Emmett Crow learns the power of sharing when he discovers a beautiful outdoor Christmas tree and the two children that decorated it to help them celebrate the spirit of Christmas all year round. A Crow's Day is part of the Nature's Day series of books for children aged three to seven years. Nature's Day books entertain while educating about animals and gently teaching important moral lessons.
Emmett Crow learns the power of sharing when he discovers a beautiful outdoor Christmas tree and the two children that decorated it to help them celeb...
Emile Corbeau apprend l'importance du partage et de l'amitie quand il trouve un beau pin decore par deux enfants qui veulent celebrer l'esprit de Noel toute l'annee. La Journee d'un Corbeau fait partie de la collection des livres Jour de la Nature, pour les enfants ages de trois a sept ans. Les livres de Jour de la Nature sont agreables a lire tout en eduquant les enfants sur les animaux et en apportant une lecon morale."
Emile Corbeau apprend l'importance du partage et de l'amitie quand il trouve un beau pin decore par deux enfants qui veulent celebrer l'esprit de Noel...
Konrad Krahe erfahrt die Bedeutung von Teilen und Freundschaft, als er eine wunderschone Kiefer entdeckt und zwei Kinder kennenlernt, die sie dekoriert haben, um sich das ganze Jahr hindurch an die Weihnachtsbotschaft zu erinnern. "Ein Tag im Leben einer Krahe" ist Teil der "Nature Day" Reihe - einer Reihe von Geschichten fur Kinder zwischen drei und sieben Jahren. "Nature Day" Bucher bringen Kinder auf unterhaltsame Art und Weise der Tierwelt naher und vermitteln dabei behutsam ethische Grundsatze.
Konrad Krahe erfahrt die Bedeutung von Teilen und Freundschaft, als er eine wunderschone Kiefer entdeckt und zwei Kinder kennenlernt, die sie dekorier...
Felipe el Cuervo aprende el poder de compartir y la amistad cuando descubre un bellisimo pino y a los dos ninos que lo decoraron para celebrar el espiritu navideno durante todo el ano. Un dia de un cuervo es parte de la serie Nature's Day de historias para ninos de entre tres a siete anos. Los libros de Nature's Day entretienen mientras educan sobre los animales y ensenan tiernamente una leccion moral."
Felipe el Cuervo aprende el poder de compartir y la amistad cuando descubre un bellisimo pino y a los dos ninos que lo decoraron para celebrar el espi...
This is the Russian translation of "A Crow's Day." Maksim Crow learns the power of sharing when he discovers a beautiful outdoor New Year tree and the two children that decorated it to help them celebrate the spirit of giving all year 'round. "Den Vorony" is part of the Nature's Day series of books for children aged three to seven years. The Nature's Day books entertain while educating about animals and gently teaching a moral lesson.
This is the Russian translation of "A Crow's Day." Maksim Crow learns the power of sharing when he discovers a beautiful outdoor New Year tree and the...
Elizabeth knew her parents were worried about money, but even through the papers said it was the worst depression they'd seen, she didn't mind. Too little money and too little food wasn't enough to keep them down...until her father lost part of his hand to a piece of farm equipment. For the first time, Elizabeth and her family had to turn to charity for food and basic necessities. When her grandparents came to America, they had said anyone who worked hard could make it here, but that was starting to look doubtful in the face of the Great Depression and personal misfortunes. Inspired by true...
Elizabeth knew her parents were worried about money, but even through the papers said it was the worst depression they'd seen, she didn't mind. Too li...