Synopsis: This book presents a realistic and thoroughly spiritual outlook upon the entire created reality. It lets us envisage that various created entities are participant in a relationship with God that becomes increasingly one of an intimate personal quality; that is, a relationship of love. It thus invites discernment that the universal reality is valuable in its own right and not only as a good for the use of humanity. Drawing mainly upon Scripture, ancient writers (especially Maximus the Confessor), as well as contemporary natural sciences, this book encourages the reader to perceive...
Synopsis: This book presents a realistic and thoroughly spiritual outlook upon the entire created reality. It lets us envisage that various create...
This book explores the theological faith-vision of Maximus the Confessor (580-662). It enters into historical details that situate Maximus in the ecclesial and political circumstances of his day and beyond. It considers his role in the Christological disputes that divided the Christian communities of the Byzantine empire, that led to his being tried at the imperial court in his old age, to his severe corporal punishment, and to his death in exile. Detail is provided of his place and stance as regards other ecclesial matters, including the Filioque controversy that then arose, the much later...
This book explores the theological faith-vision of Maximus the Confessor (580-662). It enters into historical details that situate Maximus in the eccl...