The hope of the believer is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We may long for the day when trials and tribulation will be ended and Christ will take us to be with Himself, but we are not to be impatient as we await that glad consummation. Christ Himself, seated on the throne of God, is the epitome of patience. "The husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain" (James 5:7). Thus Paul spoke of the "patience of hope." During all the centuries since Christ ascended to Heaven, as we count time on earth, He has...
The hope of the believer is the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We may long for the day when trials and tribulation will be ended and Christ will tak...
As we open this book we are introduced to the divinely appointed leader who is to guide the people into their inheritance. It is very significant that the name "Joshua" is the same as the name that our blessed Lord bore here on earth. Jesus is the anglicized Greek form of Joshua. The word Joshua means "Jehovah the Saviour," and we may see in this Joshua of the Old Testament, a type of the Jesus of the New Testament. Moses, the lawgiver, led the people to the very border of the land but was not permitted to lead them into it. Joshua took up where Moses left off. The Apostle Paul tells us that...
As we open this book we are introduced to the divinely appointed leader who is to guide the people into their inheritance. It is very significant that...
For nearly two years, 1934 and 1935, it was my privilege to attempt to expound the Corinthian Epistles at the regular Sunday morning gatherings, numbering from 2500 to 3500 people, in the auditorium of the Moody Memorial Church in Chicago. With radio equipment these addresses were broadcast over a large stretch of territory, thus reaching many thousands more. So insistent has been the demand for their publication in printed form that I have decided to send them out in this way. The original messages were taken down by a competent reporter and have been considerably revised and shortened, as...
For nearly two years, 1934 and 1935, it was my privilege to attempt to expound the Corinthian Epistles at the regular Sunday morning gatherings, numbe...
Like the preceding volume of addresses on First Corinthians, these messages were given on Sunday mornings to the congregation of the Moody Memorial Church and to the many thousands comprising the Radio audience. My desire was to make them as clear, concise, and simple as possible, so that the least instructed of my hearers might benefit by them. They were reported by Mrs. A. E. Kirchhofer, to whom I am greatly indebted for her competent stenography. H. A. Ironside Chicago, 1939
Like the preceding volume of addresses on First Corinthians, these messages were given on Sunday mornings to the congregation of the Moody Memorial Ch...
With unqualified agreement with the views expressed, we heartily commend them to all who desire to know how God will fulfill His purpose of redeeming love and glorify and vindicate His beloved Son "Whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also He made the worlds. Who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person when He had by Himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high."
With unqualified agreement with the views expressed, we heartily commend them to all who desire to know how God will fulfill His purpose of redeeming ...
As we are about to enter upon the study of this book, I want to say first a few things of an introductory character. I suppose there is no portion of Holy Scripture that has meant more to the people of God, particularly to tried and afflicted believers down through both the Jewish and Christian centuries, than the book of Psalms. Of course the worship expressed in this book does not rise to the full character of Christian worship as in this present dispensation of the grace of God. As we read the Psalms we need to remember that when they were written our Lord Jesus had not yet become...
As we are about to enter upon the study of this book, I want to say first a few things of an introductory character. I suppose there is no portion of ...
This booklet contains personal letters addressed to a parish priest of the Church of Rome, whose acquaintance I made on a railway journey. It was a pleasure to converse with this cultured gentleman. When we parted, he accepted from me a small volume dealing with a portion of holy scripture. Afterward he wrote me a very appreciative letter about the topics with which the book was concerned. There began a correspondence, which is being published with the hope that they may prove helpful to the reader.
This booklet contains personal letters addressed to a parish priest of the Church of Rome, whose acquaintance I made on a railway journey. It was a pl...
We are "accepted in the beloved." The blessed Saviour brings the redeemed one into the presence of the Father, and says, "My Father, if thou countest Me the partner of Thy throne, receive him as Myself." Paul says, "Not now as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved, specially to me, but how much more unto thee, both in the flesh, and in the Lord?" He is to take the place, not of a bondsman, but of an honored member of the family and a brother in CHRIST. Think of it -once a poor, thieving, runaway slave, and now a recognized servant of CHRIST, made welcome for Paul's sake. Thus our...
We are "accepted in the beloved." The blessed Saviour brings the redeemed one into the presence of the Father, and says, "My Father, if thou countest ...
This book is by no means an exhaustive study of the great prophetic subjects. Rather, it presents a brief outline of things to come. It should serve as a light in a dark place for those who believe and as a definite warn-ing to those who have thus far rejected Christ as Saviour. It should move the Christian to take action for His Lord and should move the unsaved to accept Christ as their Saviour. "Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the...
This book is by no means an exhaustive study of the great prophetic subjects. Rather, it presents a brief outline of things to come. It should serve a...