Divine Reflections in Times and Seasons explores how everyday phenomena mirror spiritual realities. Readers are encouraged to take a fresh and deep look at the world around them -- to gaze at the glory of a sunrise, the unfolding leaves in the spring, and the starry heavens, for example, and to contemplate the spiritual insights they may receive.
The unfathomable reality and divine purpose is far larger than our minds can surmise. But perhaps it can be imagined as a giant holograph wherein each part contains the whole. No matter into how many parts a holograph is subdivided, the...
Divine Reflections in Times and Seasons explores how everyday phenomena mirror spiritual realities. Readers are encouraged to take a fresh and deep...
While we may understand God as being transcendent as well as his attributes manifesting through the person of Jesus Christ, another aspect of the Divine may be escaping us. The Scriptures reveal that God is also immanent through His attributes and that this aspect of Divinity is all around us - -He is not far from each one of us. 'For in him His attributes] we live and move and have our being.'- (Acts 17:27-28).
It's possible for us to be like the blind men that Jesus encountered on his travels - but worse still, not even realize that we are blind or missing anything. Unknowingly,...
While we may understand God as being transcendent as well as his attributes manifesting through the person of Jesus Christ, another aspect of the D...
The Divine is understood by religious traditions to be transcendent, immanent and personal. Various faiths may emphasise one of these aspects over the others. In the East, for example in India, religion is largely a matter of direct experience and a sense of the sacred is everywhere. In the West, by contrast, correct teachings and beliefs have often been the point of focus.
Few would question the importance of sound teachings. Nevertheless, God is far outside of our realm of perception and comprehension, and therefore human language becomes limited in accurately formulating...
The Divine is understood by religious traditions to be transcendent, immanent and personal. Various faiths may emphasise one of these aspects over ...
My father's abstract painting that I chose for this book cover inspired the following analogies and insights about life.
At birth, in some ways, each of us starts life like an artist standing before a blank canvas, board or sheet of paper. For the duration of our earthly existence, we'll be creating a picture of our life which will also leave an imprint on those around us. Initially, it won't be clear what the picture is going to be - the design and images will continue to emerge as time goes on.
Symbolically, the picture may be formed with different media for a...
My father's abstract painting that I chose for this book cover inspired the following analogies and insights about life.
Abundant Living on Low Income is for those who would like to free themselves from financial worries and improve the quality of their life. Based on personal experience, the book contains common-sense ideas on how to make our hard-earned money go further without sacrificing quality of life, how to sleep soundly without worrying about mounting debt, and how to live a more fulfilling life. -Abundant living- is seen as far more than just having material abundance, but including such intangibles as a purpose, sense of accomplishment, as well as happiness and contentment. Therefore, besides...
Abundant Living on Low Income is for those who would like to free themselves from financial worries and improve the quality of their life. Based on...
Pathway to Life presents in a concise and systematic way the basic Bible teachings. It strives to offer a balanced, nondenominational ap-proach to understanding the Scriptures. Where a biblical text can be interpreted in more than one way, this is acknowledged by presenting different views. Conclusions are backed up by scripture references. However, it is also recognized that some biblical teachings are human-ly beyond comprehension and must of necessity remain, at least partially, a mystery. While the range of topics is comprehensive, the size and scope of the book do not permit...
Pathway to Life presents in a concise and systematic way the basic Bible teachings. It strives to offer a balanced, nondenominational ap-p...
This book of 112 pictures is a selection of drawings and paintings representing Jindrich's artistic endeavours over the last three decades. The collection contains real-life portraits as well as images and portraits based on the works of other artists. Some of the works in the book are the product of Jindrich's own imagination. In addition, there is a section containing icons and symbols and two sections picturing animals (domestic and wild).
This book of 112 pictures is a selection of drawings and paintings representing Jindrich's artistic endeavours over the last three decades. The col...
Spirituality in Art, the latest book featuring forty-four of Jindrich Degen's works, is a selection of paintings relating to themes of spirituality. It represents his artistic endeavors over more than a decade. The collection contains mainly abstract art and is organized under six themes - enlightenment, spiritual journey, meditation, mandalas, Christian symbolism, and celebration.
Spirituality in Art, the latest book featuring forty-four of Jindrich Degen's works, is a selection of paintings relating to themes of spirituality. I...