The twenty-seventh century-also known as the Galactic Era-is a dark and crude epoch. In this cyberpunk and young-adult saga, Niralus Bisel, an admiral of United Earth Command, is assigned a top-secret mission to capture and send Liagon, a deadly alien, into a black hole known as Vacuity. The mission, however, turns upside down when Liagon escapes from his cell. Bisel must confront his nemesis and battle him to the death for the sake of defending humanity. When he fails, Liagon goes after his daughter for vengeance. Nesha is a carefree teenager who has high hopes of becoming the galaxy's new...
The twenty-seventh century-also known as the Galactic Era-is a dark and crude epoch. In this cyberpunk and young-adult saga, Niralus Bisel, an admiral...
With war devastating the Kingdom of Vlydyn, Prince Aarian puts his personal desires aside for the good of his country. Abandoning any hope of a lifetime with his childhood love, Aarian agrees to marry an elven princess. The union, while purely political, will bring a lasting peace between humyns and high elves. Not everyone desires peace, however, including a dark elven leader willing to sacrifice his own immortality to stop the marriage. Calling forth a demonic army to destroy Vlydyn's capital city, the dark elf unleashes a force that threatens the humyns' very existence. To save what little...
With war devastating the Kingdom of Vlydyn, Prince Aarian puts his personal desires aside for the good of his country. Abandoning any hope of a lifeti...