Trysta Montgomery is a twenty-three year old Australian university graduate who plunges into the world of humanitarian work at the height of the war in the former Yugoslavia in 1993. Initially secluded from the enemy in the relative safety of the beautiful Dalmatian coast and its overflowing refugee camps, Trysta eventually finds herself behind the front lines in Serb-occupied Croatia. Based on the author's actual experiences as a humanitarian aid worker, this fictional account of a young woman's foray into 'someone else's war' is an intelligent and powerful observation of the 1990s conflict...
Trysta Montgomery is a twenty-three year old Australian university graduate who plunges into the world of humanitarian work at the height of the war i...
'A Book of Quotidian Prayer' is a collection of prayers in the Catholic tradition designed for everyday use. Latin versions are provided for the most fundamental prayers and the book is illustrated in colour with traditional art as well as original photographs by the author. This is an ideal resource for reducing the strain oftentimes associated with establishing a structured or habitual prayer life, with the book's three 'stages' allowing a gradual incorporation of prayers into a personal prayer routine. Quotidian is the same word used in the Lord's Prayer for "our daily bread" (panem...
'A Book of Quotidian Prayer' is a collection of prayers in the Catholic tradition designed for everyday use. Latin versions are provided for the most ...
Verys is Priestess of Fraerigh in dark times. Her king is embattled on all fronts and another city has fallen to the usurper. The colonial kingdom's survival depends on a legendary stone somewhere in an icy wasteland at the end of the world... as well as the wiles of her brother Gwilym, a dauntless seafarer. Three ships traverse the wildest seas to find the lost continent while three naval fleets converge in a battle for supremacy. In the midst of this turmoil, Verys's greatest challenge is to discern friend from foe and faith from folly. Betrayed by her protege and plagued by doubts, Verys...
Verys is Priestess of Fraerigh in dark times. Her king is embattled on all fronts and another city has fallen to the usurper. The colonial kingdom's s...
Noxious Philanthropy: The Religion of Southern Slaveholders 1840-1865 This booklet is a concise exploration of slaveholder belief in the late antebellum South. Drawing particularly upon letters and diaries, it delves into the sentiments, values, and assumptions that lay behind Southern rhetoric. Using the idea of a noxious philanthropy, Mishka Gora defines how slaveholders' religion combined an avowed and usually genuine love of mankind with the practice of slavery and shows how humanity and inhumanity were together cherished in a foul compromise. Noxious Philanthropy was originally submitted...
Noxious Philanthropy: The Religion of Southern Slaveholders 1840-1865 This booklet is a concise exploration of slaveholder belief in the late antebell...