This is a delightful children's story of a friendship between a cat named Hayley and a friendly dolphin. They live on the beautiful island of Oahu, Hawaii where they learn the valuable life lesson of friendship.Together they enjoy one of the greatest treasures of life and live the Aloha spirit.
This is a delightful children's story of a friendship between a cat named Hayley and a friendly dolphin. They live on the beautiful island of Oahu, Ha...
Hayley Cat is off on another adventure to experience the famous Washington, San Juan Islands with his cousin, Harlow. They sail to the charming port of Friday Harbor to enjoy Popeye's birthday celebration. Popeye is the famous gentle harbor seal who has captured the hearts of many since 1995. A heartwarming tale of friendship is created between the animals for a memorable summer day.
Hayley Cat is off on another adventure to experience the famous Washington, San Juan Islands with his cousin, Harlow. They sail to the charming port o...