A boy named Jonathan, a Princess called Magenta and Monte, a fearless Chihuahua: Three young heroes starring in The Black Pearl of Osis, volume one of the Osis Fantasy Trilogy, a tale of courage, loyalty, fear and tragedy for children and adults. Princess Magenta, seen skipping in a poster, draws Jonathan into her world, a kingdom threatened by the evil power of the Black Pearl of Osis. Jonathan learns he is destined to liberate the kingdom from that evil power. After being trained by Master Cobalt, a wise old man, Jonathan unlocks the magic power of Princess Magenta's skipping rope and turns...
A boy named Jonathan, a Princess called Magenta and Monte, a fearless Chihuahua: Three young heroes starring in The Black Pearl of Osis, volume one of...
In the Curse of Lake Osis, volume 2 of the Osis Fantasy Trilogy and sequel to the Black Pearl of Osis (vol. 1), the evil Black Pearl has again fallen into human hands, and Jonathan and Magenta are summoned by Master Cobalt to find and destroy the Pearl. Together with their guide, Bruno, a strange, mute boy, and the magic skipping ropes as their weapons, they leave for Pebble Island where Commander Sepio, the new owner of the Black Pearl of Osis, resides with his army of Warriors. But Bruno seems to have plans of his own. He often disappears, which makes Jonathan and Magenta suspicious of his...
In the Curse of Lake Osis, volume 2 of the Osis Fantasy Trilogy and sequel to the Black Pearl of Osis (vol. 1), the evil Black Pearl has again fallen ...
The galaxy shifts on a hot summer's night and Jonathan is unexpectedly propelled into an ancient world, a kingdom threatened by the evil power of the Black Pearl of Osis. He learns that he and Princess Magenta are destined to destroy the evil Black Pearl and, thus, their adventure begins. Based on the Osis Fantasy Trilogy, "an involuntary journey" is Book One of The Black Pearl of Osis graphic novel series and focuses on the first volume of the trilogy. It covers Jonathan and Magenta's training period under the guidance of wise Master Cobalt. Will Jonathan and Magenta overcome their greatest...
The galaxy shifts on a hot summer's night and Jonathan is unexpectedly propelled into an ancient world, a kingdom threatened by the evil power of the ...