Elvis Weekend is an original story based on real events. Enjoy following the Phillips family and their friends as they embark on a weekend getaway at their favorite lakeside vacation spot nestled deep within the verdant northern California mountains. What starts out as an expected weekend of fun and relaxation, away from their busy and full lives in the city, quickly turns into a mysterious and intriguing adventure. Through a series of events, the Phillips family make a discovery that could change the outcome of a reported occurrence of huge impact in 20th century international history. Have...
Elvis Weekend is an original story based on real events. Enjoy following the Phillips family and their friends as they embark on a weekend getaway at ...
ALMOST TRAILSIDE is an interesting thought-provoking true story that takes place in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1980's. The Trailside Killer, a known mixed lust serial killer and rapist, was active in and around the open spaces, hiking trails, and parklands spreading fear among Bay Area residents. Sometimes chilling, ALMOST TRAILSIDE takes the reader on the inside of a unique and unusual circumstance. Enjoy ALMOST TRAILSIDE as a young family discovers the beauty of nature through travel, camping, and hiking until a chance meeting and one haunting telephone call changes...
ALMOST TRAILSIDE is an interesting thought-provoking true story that takes place in the San Francisco Bay Area in the early 1980's. The Trailside Kill...
A Rose Within Reach is inspired by real events. Rose With is a smart young career woman in her mid twenties who finds herself in an uncomfortable situation. After a two year failed marriage, Rose is cautious about getting too close to anyone just yet. But someone is watching her and has been for quite some time. When he reveals himself, can she resist the appealing ways of this new man as he continues to charm her? Rose With is about to enter a relationship that will take her on an unusual journey of unexplained events. Enjoy A Rose Within Reach as the exciting mystery takes the reader to an...
A Rose Within Reach is inspired by real events. Rose With is a smart young career woman in her mid twenties who finds herself in an uncomfortable situ...