Bevan Huynh Alexander Tb Huynh Mai-Lan Christiana Huynh
Discover the great people that have impacted millions of lives with their work for the poor including the Great Awakening that helped seed the American Revolution and abolishment of slavery, the book is intended for everyone to learn about them, be inspired, and transformed to do good work for the world by starting within the local community.
Discover the great people that have impacted millions of lives with their work for the poor including the Great Awakening that helped seed the America...
Bevan Huynh Alexander Tb Huynh Mai-Lan Christiana Huynh
Love is the highest level of all thoughts. Love is the highest power of all powers. Love is heaven of heavens. Love requires continued improvement, reformation, change, and action to become Perfect. Men and women of the movement were and are Methodically working on perfecting their love of humanity. They love everyone and anyone. They love their enemy. They took and take their perfect love to action in serving humanity. These men and women worked and overcame extremely hard and difficult decisions by using their love to serve humanity that extremely few people were able to do. These men and...
Love is the highest level of all thoughts. Love is the highest power of all powers. Love is heaven of heavens. Love requires continued improvement, re...