Psycho-oncology integrates research and clinical wisdom across multiple disciplines -- including oncology, psychiatry, psychology, surgery, radiotherapy and palliative care, among others -- in the service of educating oncologists, physicians, psychiatrists and other mental health care providers, and hospital chaplains about the psychological and psychosocial challenges faced by patients with neoplastic disorders. As cancer treatment has improved, the number of patients deemed "cancer survivors" has grown, along with their more complex, long-term mental health issues. This book assists care...
Psycho-oncology integrates research and clinical wisdom across multiple disciplines -- including oncology, psychiatry, psychology, surgery, radioth...
This book presents an innovative approach to clinical assessment in psychiatry based on a number of psychopathological dimensions with a presumed underlying pathophysiology, that are related to fundamental phenomenological aspects and lie on a continuum from normality to pathology.
This book presents an innovative approach to clinical assessment in psychiatry based on a number of psychopathological dimensions with a presumed unde...
The vast majority of mental health clinicians and researchers rely on diagnostic systems based on operational criteria. However, in their everyday practice, many clinicians also pay attention to their own feelings or intuitions about the patient. For an even greater number of clinicians, this process may occur inadvertently. Scholars from various fields are increasingly stressing the importance of complementing the emphasis on operational criteria with thoughtful attention to the subjective and intersubjective elements involved in a thorough psychopathological evaluation.This book aims at...
The vast majority of mental health clinicians and researchers rely on diagnostic systems based on operational criteria. However, in their everyday pra...