Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in their hometown of Alabaster, Georgia. Lee is hesitant because not only is she happily married, but also her lost love has abandoned her in the past. Since Lee's first love only reappears when it is convenient for him, will Lee run to be by his side again? Or will she resist the urge and stay faithful to her loyal husband? Who will Lee choose? The man that she has always loved or the man that she exchanged vows with? While contemplating which decision to...
Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in their homet...
Frankie Berry Wise Jeff N. Carden Marshalette Rolanda Wise
Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in their hometown of Alabaster, Georgia. Lee is hesitant because not only is she happily married, but also her lost love has abandoned her in the past.
Since Lee's first love only reappears when it is convenient for him, will Lee run to be by his side again? Or will she resist the urge and stay faithful to her loyal husband? Who will Lee choose? The man that she has always loved or the man that she exchanged vows with?
Exit is a fictional mystery. The story revolves around the character Lee, who was recently contacted by her first love to secretly meet in...
Frankie Berry Wise Marshalette Rolanda Wise III Jeff Carden
"Broken Promises" is a stage play based on the main characters from the novel "Breaking the Chain" written by Frankie Berry Wise.
It centers on the Jackson family who are poor mulattoes struggling through many obstacles such as poverty, homosexuality, molestation, and murder.
The main matriarch, Sarah Jackson, was abandoned by her white mother and given to a black family that abused her. Around the age of eleven, she was again ushered off to live with an older white man who fathered her four children--John, Cleo, Lilly, and Rose.
Sarah is determined for her family to...
"Broken Promises" is a stage play based on the main characters from the novel "Breaking the Chain" written by Frankie Berry Wise.