As God left the fate of the world into the hands of Angel Metatron, the world struggled between sanity and survival during the end of the days where the power from above was ready to reap the earth. A ticking time clock was set and there was one- Angel Raphael, who was to defy His divine order. Metatron, still bearing marks from her past, was met halfway by an unexpected reunion in San Francisco followed by a foreordained meeting with the man bearing Number 44. As she made her way to the Armagideon, a battle to re-coincide her once mortal existence with her true identity took her from one end...
As God left the fate of the world into the hands of Angel Metatron, the world struggled between sanity and survival during the end of the days where t...
In Year 40 of I.O.N, the city of Ionopolis led and created by Dr. Mayson, a revolutionary scientist, was the only surviving nation in the Western Hemisphere after the Great Catastrophe in Year 2018 A.D. The city of 12,000 Ioniacs created from the remnants of the human genetics pools in the Western Hemisphere and engineered with advanced ionization and human cloning technology, know no pain, hunger, anger and death. There was peace in Ionopolis for decades even as the memories of the Ioniacs before the Ionization Age were vaguely destroyed by the disaster. When the existence of Ionopolis was...
In Year 40 of I.O.N, the city of Ionopolis led and created by Dr. Mayson, a revolutionary scientist, was the only surviving nation in the Western Hemi...