La paix et la securite sont deux concepts qui se placent a la base du processus d integration europeenne apres 1945. Jusqu en 1989, elles sont garanties par un lien etroit entre l Europe de l Ouest et l Organisation du Traite Atlantique Nord (OTAN). Mais aujourd hui, vingt ans apres la chute du mur de Berlin et la fin du conflit bipolaire, les relations internationales sont entrees dans une phase de transition caracterisee par l incertitude et la crainte envers les nouveaux defis qui decoulent du processus de la globalisation. Les relations entre l OTAN et l Union europeenne (UE) doivent donc...
La paix et la securite sont deux concepts qui se placent a la base du processus d integration europeenne apres 1945. Jusqu en 1989, elles sont garanti...
This book accounts for transformations in the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)during fifteen years of operations (2001-2016), and argues that the EU evolved into a softer and more civilian security provider, rather than a military one. This learning process was driven by transnational communities of experts and practitioners, which acted as engines of change. Giovanni Faleg analyses two innovative concepts introduced in the EU security discourse since the late 1990s: security sector reform (SSR) and civilian crisis management (CCM). Both stem from a new understanding of...
This book accounts for transformations in the EU's Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)during fifteen years of operations (2001-2016), and arg...