Thirty years after her death, the great movie star, Marilyn Monroe begins a series of appearances to Amanda Grace, a has-been Playboy model and actress. Appearing just outside the glass doors of Amanda Grace's patio, the movie star moves, gestures, mouths words as if trying to communicate vital information, though Amanda Grace cannot hear her. Over a period of weeks, Amanda Grace, already distraught over the suicide of her mother, becomes obsessed with the beautiful apparition of Marilyn Monroe. When grief and years of bitter failure culminate in the discovery that her mother was not her real...
Thirty years after her death, the great movie star, Marilyn Monroe begins a series of appearances to Amanda Grace, a has-been Playboy model and actres...
"Bear Medicine" tells the story of a young half-blood Lakota, Rachel Hennessy, who is drawn by personal heartbreak from a comfortable life in white suburbia to the rigors of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation where her grandfather, Bill Whitefeather, is a shaman. There, Bill reveals that Rachel is destined to become the most powerful of all Lakota healers, a bear medicine woman. Weak and broken by the recent tragedies in her life, Rachel is sure she has nothing to give, yet she finds herself walking a new spiritual path. In so doing, she develops power she never suspected she had and the...
"Bear Medicine" tells the story of a young half-blood Lakota, Rachel Hennessy, who is drawn by personal heartbreak from a comfortable life in white su...