Teddy Welmont Had a hard life, every time he tired to make things better for him self everything just got worse. One day Teddy lost everything he ever had, so he went on a trip to find out what he should do with himself.
Teddy Welmont Had a hard life, every time he tired to make things better for him self everything just got worse. One day Teddy lost everything he ever...
Mike V. remembers the year he turned twenty-eight distinctly. He was an addict and knew that he was destroying himself from the inside out. Two days before his birthday, he decided to get sober. That decision began a journey that has led to a life of peace and happiness.
On his road to happiness, Mike faced many other trials, including depression, death, loss, disease, and divorce. These challenges can cause many to get stuck and lose hope, but Mike chose to embrace the pain and use the lessons learned to create a more purposeful and fulfilling life.
In Finding...
Mike V. remembers the year he turned twenty-eight distinctly. He was an addict and knew that he was destroying himself from the inside out. Two day...