The decision to go to graduate school should not be taken lightly. It is likely to consume your finances, youth, and most of your sanity over an indeterminate period of years. It can also be difficult to know how to navigate the process of getting in, getting out, and getting on with your life. If you're going to pursue a terminal degree (and you can't be talked out of it), then you should be armed with knowledge that will give you the best chance to get what you want. The cynics' guide series is meant to be a road map through the extremely competitive journey to and through a Ph.D. in...
The decision to go to graduate school should not be taken lightly. It is likely to consume your finances, youth, and most of your sanity over an indet...
Connor's dying, but he's not dead yet. With unlikely ally Skeates, he sets off on one last wild adventure -- a crazy tour across Scotland dodging the police, joy riding and looking for answers. A bold debut novel full of heart, guts and raw emotion.
Connor's dying, but he's not dead yet. With unlikely ally Skeates, he sets off on one last wild adventure -- a crazy tour across Scotland dodging the ...