Knowing Noah is the story of the adventures of a young farm mouse who, through extraordinary circumstances found that he could read and understand humans when they spoke.Because of this wonderful capability Noah not only finds himself in the midst of some very terrifying adventures but also finds that his fellow mice at school or at play cannot seem to accept him as he is.Even though he is bullied and pushed about, Noah has a spirit and a capacity for seeing and doing the right thing.He befriends the dreaded barn cat Snoad and together they make a great team, much to the dismay of everyone...
Knowing Noah is the story of the adventures of a young farm mouse who, through extraordinary circumstances found that he could read and understand hum...
NOAH'S NEW ADVENTURES Not content to stay at home on Wild Wold Farm and empowered with special abilities, Noah's imaginative powers take him into wildest Africa where he meets and gets to know a wide variety of animals; cheetahs, giraffes, hippos, rhinos and monkeys along with many others. Because of his mission from Mother Nature or Gaia, to bring help to the persecuted wildlife, Noah is able to move without harm among these beasts, many of whom would otherwise devour or destroy him. Gaia has asked Noah to observe and bring help if he can. Noah, at first is very unsure and hesitant in this...
NOAH'S NEW ADVENTURES Not content to stay at home on Wild Wold Farm and empowered with special abilities, Noah's imaginative powers take him into wild...