Synopsis: Matthews Gospel contains material unique to it among the canonical Gospels. What is the background for this material? Why does the writer of Matthews Gospel tell the story of Jesus in the way he does--including women in his genealogy, telling the story of the birth of Jesus in his particular way, and including the visit of the magi led by a star? Enoch and the Gospel of Matthew shows that the writer of Matthew was familiar with themes and traditions about the antediluvian patriarch Enoch, including the story of the fall of the angels called "watchers," who transgress their heavenly...
Synopsis: Matthews Gospel contains material unique to it among the canonical Gospels. What is the background for this material? Why does the writ...
Synopsis: A Man, A Woman, A Word of Love is a new collection of sermons by two of the finest preachers in the Episcopal Church today. They also happen to be married to each other. Beautifully written, compassionate, theologically astute, and oftentimes very funny, these sermons provide fresh insight into the inexhaustible riches of God's Word. Following the unfolding story of God's love in Scripture and tradition, Pagano and Richter lift up different dimensions of God's love celebrated in the different seasons of the church year. Informed by the pastoral sensitivity that comes from years of...
Synopsis: A Man, A Woman, A Word of Love is a new collection of sermons by two of the finest preachers in the Episcopal Church today. They also happen...