Thisvolume comprises a carefully selectedcollection ofarticlesemerging from and pertinent to the 2010 CFL-80 conference in Rio de Janeiro, celebrating the80th anniversary of the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) condition. A major result in the field of numerical analysis, the CFL condition has influenced the research of many important mathematicians over the past eight decades, and this work is meant to take stock of its most important and current applications.
The Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) Condition: 80 Years After its Discovery will be of interest to practicing...
Thisvolume comprises a carefully selectedcollection ofarticlesemerging from and pertinent to the 2010 CFL-80 conference in Rio de Janeiro, celebrat...
This textbook describes selected topics in functional analysis as powerful tools of immediate use in many fields within applied mathematics, physics and engineering. It follows a very reader-friendly structure, with the presentation and the level of exposition especially tailored to those who need functional analysis but don’t have a strong background in this branch of mathematics. For every tool, this work emphasizes the motivation, the justification for the choices made, and the right way to employ the techniques. Proofs appear only when necessary for the safe use of the results.The book...
This textbook describes selected topics in functional analysis as powerful tools of immediate use in many fields within applied mathematics, physics a...