This book is a supplement to Volume V/I in the present series, Diag- nostie Radiology, published in 1962. Despite the relatively long period of time whieh has elapsed sinee its publieation, that eomprehensive vol- urne is still essentially valid, even though further developments have of course oeeurred in eertain fields. In reeent years the developments in nuclear medieine and ultrasonie teehniques have led to a number of new methods of medieal investigation, whieh, in different ways, eomplement diagnostie radiology. Funetional disorders of the urinary traet ean often be detected by means of...
This book is a supplement to Volume V/I in the present series, Diag- nostie Radiology, published in 1962. Despite the relatively long period of time w...
The dramatic evolution of new technology in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology has changed the whole field of medicine. Ultrasonography, computed tomography, nuclear magnetic resonance, and digital radiography are those new techniques which are undergoing continuous development, providing us with increasingly re fined methods for establishing the cause of disease and for treating the patient. Using radiologic technique, ingenious methods are continuously being developed to en sure less expensive, less traumatic, and more efficient therapy. Transluminal angio plasty, embolization of tumors...
The dramatic evolution of new technology in diagnostic and therapeutic radiology has changed the whole field of medicine. Ultrasonography, computed to...