Based on the operationa1 aetivities in the e1eetrieal power industry, the eeonomie risks are ana1yzed insofar as these are determined by the deve1op ment of the primary sourees of energy and the future possibilities for the produetion of e1eetrie power. It is shown that a guarantee for the supp1y of power in the Federa1 Repub He ean be assured on1y by produeing e1eetricity from a variety of primary sourees different as to their kind of energy and to their geographical origin. Resume Partant de 1a situation dans le domaine de 1a produetion et de 1a distri bution d'e1eetricite, l'auteur analyse...
Based on the operationa1 aetivities in the e1eetrieal power industry, the eeonomie risks are ana1yzed insofar as these are determined by the deve1op m...