Education, Research, Health, Social Security and other "public goods" are organized by a mix of organizations, partly publicly-funded, partly private enterprises, partly public-private partnerships. The quality of the services relies greatly on the coordination and collaboration of these specialized organizations. How can cooperative relationships be built that guarantee trustful communication, binding decisions, and productive team-work? How can collaboration and competition be balanced? What are the differences between loose-coupled networks and tightly built collaborations and which type...
Education, Research, Health, Social Security and other "public goods" are organized by a mix of organizations, partly publicly-funded, partly private ...
Education, Research, Health, Social Security and other "public goods" are organized by a mix of organizations, partly publicly-funded, partly private enterprises, partly public-private partnerships. The quality of the services relies greatly on the coordination and collaboration of these specialized organizations. How can cooperative relationships be built that guarantee trustful communication, binding decisions, and productive team-work? How can collaboration and competition be balanced? What are the differences between loose-coupled networks and tightly built collaborations and which type...
Education, Research, Health, Social Security and other "public goods" are organized by a mix of organizations, partly publicly-funded, partly private ...