The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of Japanese and presents twenty-five authentic texts taken from a wide range of media and literary sources, which promote a deeper understanding of Japan among readers. The book is divided into ten genre-based chapters, allowing the learner to focus on the textual features relevant to that genre.
Key features include:
Selected texts covering topics related to Japanese language, society and culture encountered in the...
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to adva...
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to advanced learners of Japanese and presents twenty-five authentic texts taken from a wide range of media and literary sources, which promote a deeper understanding of Japan among readers. The book is divided into ten genre-based chapters, allowing the learner to focus on the textual features relevant to that genre.
Key features include:
Selected texts covering topics related to Japanese language, society and culture encountered in the...
The Routledge Intermediate to Advanced Japanese Reader: A Genre-Based Approach to Reading as a Social Practice is designed for intermediate to adva...
Mimetic words, also known as sound-symbolic words, ideophones or more popularly as onomatopoeia, constitute an important subset of the Japanese lexicon; we find them as well in the lexicons of other Asian languages and sub-Saharan African languages. Mimetics play a central role in Japanese grammar and feature in children s early utterances. However, this class of words is not considered as important in English and other European languages. This book aims to bridge the gap between the extensive research on Japanese mimetics and its availability to an international audience, and also to...
Mimetic words, also known as sound-symbolic words, ideophones or more popularly as onomatopoeia, constitute an important subset of the Japanese lex...