This book describes the history of the IMF from its birth, through the Bretton Woods era, and in the aftermath. Special attention is paid to integrating IMF history with the macro-economic policies of member countries and of other international institutions as well. This collection of work presents a clear understanding, inter alia, of the influence of the United States over IMF policy via the National Advisory Committee; the dealings of the IMF with the UK on pound sterling policy; and France, Italy, Germany, Canada, and Japan vis-a-vis IMF consultations. It also provides the reader with...
This book describes the history of the IMF from its birth, through the Bretton Woods era, and in the aftermath. Special attention is paid to integrati...
This book describes the history of the IMF from its birth, through the Bretton Woods era, and in the aftermath. All the chapters are archive-based academic studies providing deep insights with historical background, which makes this book the first thoroughly independent achievement in the field of IMF history.
This book describes the history of the IMF from its birth, through the Bretton Woods era, and in the aftermath. All the chapters are archive-based aca...
This book provides historical, theoretical, and biographical perspectives on two giants of contemporary economics, Jacques Rueff (1896-1978) and John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946). The former French bureaucrat and academician championed classical economics; the latter British economist founded macro-economics criticizing the classical school. Depending upon archival sources, including personal correspondences between the above two figures, the book describes furious debates between them and surrounding them.In fact, the two economists proposed contrasting diagnosis over almost every event in...
This book provides historical, theoretical, and biographical perspectives on two giants of contemporary economics, Jacques Rueff (1896-1978) and John ...
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), founded in 1930, works as the "Bank for Central Banks." The BIS is an international forum where central bankers and officials gather to cope with international financial issues, and a bank which invests the funds of the member countries. This book is a historical study on the BIS, from its foundation to the 1970s. Using archival sources of the Bank and financial institutions of the member countries, this book aims to clarify how the BIS faced the challenges of contemporary international financial system.
The book deals with following...
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), founded in 1930, works as the "Bank for Central Banks." The BIS is an international forum where centr...
The handbook reflects the existing variety of scholarly approaches in the field, from the history of monetary thought to the political economy of monetary institutions, from cultural perspectives on money to theoretically driven macroeconomic history.
The handbook reflects the existing variety of scholarly approaches in the field, from the history of monetary thought to the political economy of mone...