The health and environmental problems and increasing insect resistance to many of these synthetic pesticides, clearly indicate that basic research must be directed to search for new and more safer approaches or/and types of pest control agents. Pest control represents a critical factor and highly productive inputs for increasing crop yields and preventing crop losses before and after harvest. This book, therefore, provides a, 1- Certain additives in pesticide formulations would improve their field performance and increase the bioactivity against insect pests. 2- Plants for naturally occurring...
The health and environmental problems and increasing insect resistance to many of these synthetic pesticides, clearly indicate that basic research mus...
Numerosos cultivos, entre los que se encuentran algodon, alfalfa y horticolas, se ven afectados en sus rendimientos por los danos causados por orugas del lepidoptero Spodoptera littoralis (Boisudval), contra las que se realizan reiteradas aplicaciones con insecticidas quimicos poco selectivos y que desarrollan poblaciones resistentes. Se hace necesario, el estudio de nuevas materias activas, de naturaleza quimica o biologica, que por sus cualidades de eficacia y seguridad medioambiental puedan sustituir a los actuales insecticidas para el control de esta especie."
Numerosos cultivos, entre los que se encuentran algodon, alfalfa y horticolas, se ven afectados en sus rendimientos por los danos causados por orugas ...
The development of synthetic pesticides during 1940s, in combination with improvement in chemical application technology, dramatically increased the potential for agricultural pest control. It did take long before people began to see naturally controlled by predators and parasites began to cause significant damage. They also become resistance to chemicals. For that the aim of this work was to search a new isolation of bacteria for solution or delayed the appearance of resistance problem.
The development of synthetic pesticides during 1940s, in combination with improvement in chemical application technology, dramatically increased the p...