Disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It may be caused by a number of factors. So after accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment must be given to the patient in order to relieve him/her off his/her symptoms. Corticosteroids are chemically similar to endogenous cortisol which is important in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, maintenance of vascular reactivity and adapting the body to stress. They represent an important therapeutic aid in the management of a range of oral mucosal disease conditions. Like all medications, their successful use depends upon...
Disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It may be caused by a number of factors. So after accurate diagnosis, appropriate ...
This book presents an overview of the evolution and opportunities associated with traditional as well as upcoming fields in the areas of materials, metallurgy, and manufacturing. There are a lot of interesting fields at this trijunction, such as alloy design, bio-materials, composites, high entropy alloys, sensors, electronic materials, and materials degradation. The progress in these fields is further fuelled by the advances in the analysis and fabrication techniques such as correlative microscopy, additive manufacturing, and surface engineering. This book discusses the above topics/fields...
This book presents an overview of the evolution and opportunities associated with traditional as well as upcoming fields in the areas of materials, me...