The life and times of Beatrice Garcia is a truly fascinating and enthralling tale of the triumphs over adversities and hardships by this woman of faith. You can see how her trust in God made all the difference in the world to her and to her family. As the wife of a Pastor, her dedication to God, family, and the Church, is an inspiration to me and those who love her. I believe that those who do well only for themselves are remembered while they live, but those that do well for others achieve immortality. Ruben R. Garcia While books of the rich and famous, the creators and innovators, the...
The life and times of Beatrice Garcia is a truly fascinating and enthralling tale of the triumphs over adversities and hardships by this woman of f...
The life and times of Beatrice Garcia is a truly fascinating and enthralling tale of the triumphs over adversities and hardships by this woman of faith. You can see how her trust in God made all the difference in the world to her and to her family. As the wife of a Pastor, her dedication to God, family, and the Church, is an inspiration to me and those who love her. I believe that those who do well only for themselves are remembered while they live, but those that do well for others achieve immortality. Ruben R. Garcia While books of the rich and famous, the creators and innovators, the...
The life and times of Beatrice Garcia is a truly fascinating and enthralling tale of the triumphs over adversities and hardships by this woman of f...
La vida y tiempos de Beatriz Garcia es una historia verdaderamente fascinante y apasionante de los triunfos en las adversidades y las penurias por esta mujer de fe. Se puede ver como su confianza en Dios es un testimonio para muchos y para su familia. Como la esposa de un Pastor, su entrega a Dios, a la familia, y a la iglesia, es una inspiracion para mi y para aquellos que la aman. Creo que los que hacen bien solo para si mismos son recordados durante su vida, pero los que hacen bien a otros alcanzaran la inmortalidad. Ruben R. Garcia Aunque sobran libros de los ricos y famosos, los...
La vida y tiempos de Beatriz Garcia es una historia verdaderamente fascinante y apasionante de los triunfos en las adversidades y las penurias por ...