This book it contains recipes of meals that combine food and magic. These recipes were created by a witch convent in the 17th century who needed to change the way they would meet for their rituals and magic purposes. They also found that friendship, joy, and camaraderie bring about more effective results.
This book it contains recipes of meals that combine food and magic. These recipes were created by a witch convent in the 17th century who needed to ch...
Este libro contiene recetas de comidas que combinan alimentos y magia. Estas recetas fueron creadas por un aquelarre de brujas en el siglo XVII que necesitaron cambiar la forma o el estilo en que se reunian para sus rituales con propositos magicos. Ellos tambien descubrieron que la amistad, la alegria y la camaraderia utilizados en la magia daban resultados mas eficaces. Danaan http: //"
Este libro contiene recetas de comidas que combinan alimentos y magia. Estas recetas fueron creadas por un aquelarre de brujas en el siglo XVII que ne...
This book shows a practical view of the world of Qabalah through the eyes of Danek. Danek was one of the Elders of the Friends of Euphrosyne witch coven. The whole coven had to hide their pagan beliefs and pretend to be ordinary members of the Christian community, or they would not survive. It was back in the seventeenth century during witch-hunting times. Danek was an artist and a carpenter who applied his Qabalistic magic to making objects. The rituals of this magical object-making are all described in the book. The magic objects he made were used by the coven to achieve their goals and to...
This book shows a practical view of the world of Qabalah through the eyes of Danek. Danek was one of the Elders of the Friends of Euphrosyne witch cov...