This devastating and moving account tells in a fictional form the author's true autobiographical story of her childhood, written as a loving testament to the unimaginable, inhumane experiences that were inflicted on her beloved grandfather and mother, as well as on her younger self and the people of Cambodia. The Freedom...Cage is a heartbreaking saga of endurance that brings into stark relief the depths of pain and depravation that people are capable of inflicting upon one another. Recounted in the narration of the main character, Moy, are vivid depictions of the firsthand experiences and...
This devastating and moving account tells in a fictional form the author's true autobiographical story of her childhood, written as a loving testament...
While Sam Sword is sound asleep and his head is pillows on Star's laps, her magic golden rose brings him to another world. There he will meet the Jade Guards. The Heavenly Sea dragon is waiting to appear and greet him. Tom Cupcake's secret and mystery will keep readers guessing to the end; who and what is he? Silver Moon, Tom Cupcake is the first segment of this fancy legend created by author, Luong Ung-Lai. Although English is her second language, and she has a learning disability with pronunciations, spelling, and cannot adapt the past and present tense, she is getting much better with her...
While Sam Sword is sound asleep and his head is pillows on Star's laps, her magic golden rose brings him to another world. There he will meet the Jade...