Serialized in the "Pall Mall Gazette" during July, 1885, the Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon created a sensation in Victorian London with its shocking depiction of a rampant child sex trade thriving in the nation's capital. It related stories of girls as young as thirteen who had been inveigled into houses of ill repute by scheming abductresses, where they were pressured, manipulated, or even coerced into prostitution. There were rooms in London, the "Gazette" revealed, that had been specially padded to stifle their screams. In a zealous effort to demonstrate the horrifying ease with which...
Serialized in the "Pall Mall Gazette" during July, 1885, the Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon created a sensation in Victorian London with its shockin...
This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It contains classical literature works from over two thousand years. Most of these titles have been out of print and off the bookstore shelves for decades. The book series is intended to preserve the cultural legacy and to promote the timeless works of classical literature. Readers of a TREDITION CLASSICS book support the mission to save many of the amazing works of world literature from oblivion. With this series, tredition intends to make thousands of international literature classics available in printed format again - worldwide.
This book is part of the TREDITION CLASSICS. It contains classical literature works from over two thousand years. Most of these titles have been out o...