Former stage magician George Chance, by various twists of fate, becomes an eerie vigilante to help the police solve baffling, unique mysteries. He is aided by his loyal crew made up of former glamour girl, Merry White, circus little man, Tiny Tim Terry, former bookmaker and gambler Joe Harper and Glenn Saunders, a novice magician who is his identical double. Created by writer G.T. Fleming-Roberts, the Green Ghost and his team battled all manner of villainy in some of the most macabre pulp adventures ever recorded. Now Chance & Company are back in four brand new tales as chronicled by a...
Former stage magician George Chance, by various twists of fate, becomes an eerie vigilante to help the police solve baffling, unique mysteries. He is ...
William Patrick Maynard Michael Richard Maynard Michael Panush
Before Metropolis In 1927 German filmmaker Fritz Lang brought to the screen one of the most ground-breaking sci-fi melodramas of all time based on the screenplay he co-wrote with his wife, novelist Thea von Harbou. Set in a futuristic urban dystopia, the story follows the attempts of Freder, the son of the city's ruler, and Maria, a citizen of the lower levels, to bridge the gulf separating the economic classes of the city. It is regarded as a classic and one of the first full-length movies in the genre. Five visionary new pulp writers have envisioned four dramatic tales which unfold in this...
Before Metropolis In 1927 German filmmaker Fritz Lang brought to the screen one of the most ground-breaking sci-fi melodramas of all time based on the...