Over 16 years of research has gone into this most extensive documentation of the line of Merrick - Meyrick - Myrick- Mirrick and the family history and genealogical record. The History And Genealogical line of the Merrick Family of Tioga County Pennsylvania 1804 - 2012 Talbot County Maryland 1661 - 1663 Virginia and Delaware 1663 - 1804 From the Walsh line of Merrick AP Llewlyn and the line of Merari son of Levi from the Biblical line of Israel is included in this work by Dr. Merrick president of the MerrickFoundation.Org a family history and genealogical research non-profit foundation. This...
Over 16 years of research has gone into this most extensive documentation of the line of Merrick - Meyrick - Myrick- Mirrick and the family history an...