Illustrated by Vanessa Ford Nefie is the heartwarming true story of a professional woman and her devoted feline traveling companion. Nefie and her adopted "mom" clearly demonstrate the depth of the bond that is possible between a human and an animal, as they travel from place to place in support of Mom's clients and encounter a variety of somewhat unique experiences. Together they teach us that communication is so much more than mere words, as they provide each other the love and comfort required to overcome the sometimes extraordinary challenges of life. Written from a cat's point of view,...
Illustrated by Vanessa Ford Nefie is the heartwarming true story of a professional woman and her devoted feline traveling companion. Nefie and her ado...
Illustrated by Vanessa Ford Marigold's Dove is a heartwarming story told from the perspective of a companion cat, and features Ms. Marigold Emmoline Magnolia, the companion cat; her roommate, Ms. Mimi Kathleen Zhang; their adopted "mom; and a mourning dove that they refer to as Mrs. Bird. The story follows Marigold's maturation from kitten to adult cat. Marigold's whimsical life is suddenly disrupted when Mrs. Bird decided to build a nest in the crotch of a tree--only three feet from their kitchen window.
Illustrated by Vanessa Ford Marigold's Dove is a heartwarming story told from the perspective of a companion cat, and features Ms. Marigold Emmoline M...