ABRAHAM AND SARAH is an intricately woven novel taken from authentic biblical and historical sources, revealing the fullness and richness of faith and love against a tapestry of ancient civilizations. Take all that can be gleaned from the classic narrative of Abraham and Sarah; add the wisdom of ancient and modern historians; intersplice the wealth of the most updated archaeological evidence; and a man and a woman of striking abilities, reality, and humanness appear. If Abraham lived in a pagan environment, how did he become a man of great faith? Who was Sarah? Is there any logical...
ABRAHAM AND SARAH is an intricately woven novel taken from authentic biblical and historical sources, revealing the fullness and richness of faith and...
Although the biblical narrative of Moses is widely known, the story of a pivotal woman in Moses' life remains a mystery that has both confounded and intrigued for thousands of years. Burning questions abound: Who was Pharaoh Hatshepsut and how did she rise to such prominence, so much so that a magnificent funeral monument was erected in her honor? Why was it that such a concerted attempt was made to erase all memory of Hatshepsut from the annals of ancient history? How did it come to be that so many inscriptions, depictions, and statues of this captivating figure were so deliberately defaced?...
Although the biblical narrative of Moses is widely known, the story of a pivotal woman in Moses' life remains a mystery that has both confounded and i...
Since antiquity, the port city of Corinth has been a hot-bed of political intrigue, fabulous wealth, cruel invaders, stunning disasters and, most of all, human passions. J. SerVaas Williams lifts this captivating city-state out of the shifting sands of ancient Greece, painting its vivid hues over the canvas of time. VOYAGE OF THE IONIANS tells of the land settled by Noah's grandson, Ion, then ravaged by pirates who spared none but boys they sold into slavery. Years later, those grown boys would plot a daring escape, aided by an aged Ion and the survivors of Old Tarshish: a spirited band of...
Since antiquity, the port city of Corinth has been a hot-bed of political intrigue, fabulous wealth, cruel invaders, stunning disasters and, most of a...