Yankee Pride tells the story of the New York Yankees during the decade of the 1960s. It chronicles how the team won consecutive American League pennants during the first five years of the 1960s, winning two World Series titles and losing two others in dramatic -- and, for Yankee fans, heartbreaking -- seven-game series. The story then turns to the Yankees' fall from glory starting in 1965, and then into the American League cellar in 1966, the first time that the Yankee organization had finished in last place since its pre-Ruthian days of 1912. The story follows how the Yankees returned to...
Yankee Pride tells the story of the New York Yankees during the decade of the 1960s. It chronicles how the team won consecutive American League pennan...
If you love baseball, you'll love "60 From The '60s: 60 Players Who Made the 1960s Baseball's Real Golden Age." In 60 from the '60s:, you'll thrill to the glory that was major league baseball in the 1960s. You'll re-live the exploits of some of the best hurlers ever to toe the pitching rubber, Sandy Koufax, Bob Gibson, Jim Bunning, Whitey Ford, even hapless Roger Craig, who had the misfortune of being the best pitcher on the worst team in baseball history. You'll re-discover the exploits of some of the greatest hitters the game has ever know, Aaron, Clemente, Mays, Mantle, Maris, Killebrew,...
If you love baseball, you'll love "60 From The '60s: 60 Players Who Made the 1960s Baseball's Real Golden Age." In 60 from the '60s:, you'll thrill to...
This is a "how to" book: how to recognize a marketing trap when you are in one, and how to escape. Most marketing professionals are caught in one (and usually more) traps that keep marketplace initiatives from being as effective as they could be. These traps also tend to make the marketing process more difficult than it needs to be. They raise the cost and frustration level of marketing. They commoditize brands and cripple margins. Get out of these traps, and everything changes. The marketplace makes sense the way it never did before. Buyers who seem to have become so demanding and...
This is a "how to" book: how to recognize a marketing trap when you are in one, and how to escape. Most marketing professionals are caught in one (and...