Une Psy debridee aide un commissaire renfrogne a confondre un psychopathe terrifiant et prolifique dont le mobile singulier semble impliquer le policier personnellement. De Paris aux Antilles, Paul et Nelly doivent faire face a une enquete complexe qui nous tient en haleine jusqu'au bout. Des les premieres lignes, on plonge dans le c ur de l'enigme et l'on s'entiche tres vite des deux heros epicuriens qui nous confient leurs sentiments, et les arcanes pernicieuses de leurs passes. Adepte des soins par la meditation, Nelly distille son analyse au fil des pages et quelques recettes d'initiation...
Une Psy debridee aide un commissaire renfrogne a confondre un psychopathe terrifiant et prolifique dont le mobile singulier semble impliquer le polici...
The book you can trust to guide you through the highs and lows of parenthood. Whether you're preparing for your baby to arrive, have just welcomed your little one into the world, or are well into the fourth trimester, this nurturing guide will ensure you feel supported and informed throughout your baby's first year. Following on from where The Modern Midwife's Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond left off, this book will take you through the first 48 hours after birth up until your baby's first birthday. From postpartum recovery to establishing a routine and looking out for signs to start...
The book you can trust to guide you through the highs and lows of parenthood. Whether you're preparing for your baby to arrive, have just welcomed yo...