The story of Bamboo and Truman, brothers and Labrador Retrievers, is told by their five-year-old "sister" Jade. Like most Labradors, they are jovial, happy-go-lucky fellows with a penchant for stealing food and eliciting sympathy and lots and lots of hugs. Bamboo is an expert at the former, a first-class thief of human delectables if ever there was one, while Truman's sweet, kind nature is a natural for the latter. Their divergent personalities and charming, lovable natures fill the family home with happiness and laughter at every turn. A heartwarming and touching story for the whole family,...
The story of Bamboo and Truman, brothers and Labrador Retrievers, is told by their five-year-old "sister" Jade. Like most Labradors, they are jovial, ...