Mit der Verabschiedung des Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes wurde fur die handelsrechtliche Rechnungslegung das Ziel formuliert, eine Abkopplung von der steuerlichen Bilanzierung zu erreichen und die Informationslage der Jahresabschlussadressaten zu verbessern. Trotz dieser Zielsetzung kommen weiterhin die steuerlichen Leasingerlasse zur Anwendung, die jedoch zu einer 'Alles-oder-Nichts'-Entscheidung bei der Leasingobjektzurechnung fuhren und deshalb den wirtschaftlichen Gehalt eines Leasingvertrages nicht korrekt erfassen konnen. Somit ist die Zielsetzung des...
Mit der Verabschiedung des Bilanzrechtsmodernisierungsgesetzes wurde fur die handelsrechtliche Rechnungslegung das Ziel formuliert, eine Abkopplung vo...
Master's Thesis from the year 1995 in the subject Engineering - Artificial Intelligence, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth (Unbekannt), language: English, abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Abstract: In the 1980s research efforts and successes made artificial neural networks popular. Since the 1990s engineers have been using this foundation for problem solving. But artifiial neural network solutions for "real-world" problems are sometimes hard to find because of the complexity of the domain and because of the vast number of design attributes the engineer has to deal with. This thesis provides a...
Master's Thesis from the year 1995 in the subject Engineering - Artificial Intelligence, University of Massachusetts - Dartmouth (Unbekannt), language...
The first work to systematically investigate the potential for a dialogue between postcolonial studies and the history of Zionism. There is an “unacknowledged kinship” between studies of Zionism and post-colonial studies, a kinship that deserves to be both discovered and acknowledged. Unacknowledged Kinships strives to facilitate a conversation between the historiography of Zionism and postcolonial studies by identifying and exploring possible linkages and affiliations between their subjects as well as the limits of such connections. The contributors to this volume discuss central...
The first work to systematically investigate the potential for a dialogue between postcolonial studies and the history of Zionism. There is an �...