Join the Spirit Light Network, a paranormal investigative team of shamans and energy healers dedicated to helping spirits cross to the Other Side. Experience 12 interesting and frightening ghost hunts to find out why ghosts exist and wander the earth, how some people are more likely to be haunted than others, and what to do if you become a haunted person. Read about a boy haunted by British soldiers, a curse on a colonial farmhouse, a spirit who won't leave until her head is returned, and more. Along the way, you'll learn step-by-step instructions for varied energy techniques to ensure that...
Join the Spirit Light Network, a paranormal investigative team of shamans and energy healers dedicated to helping spirits cross to the Other Side. Exp...
Have you spent your life feeling everyone's emotions? Have you been bombarded with every thought, every feeling from those around you and from the world itself? Are you ready to scream? You are not crazy; you are an empath. There is a reason you feel all that you do. This valuable guide will help you understand what it means to be an empath, why you feel what you feel, and how to share the wonderful opportunities the gift of empathy offers you to heal yourself, those around you, and the world. With this book, readers learn to discern the truth when people's words do not match their emotions,...
Have you spent your life feeling everyone's emotions? Have you been bombarded with every thought, every feeling from those around you and from the wor...
Empathy can help you on your quest to understand life and destiny. Do you often feel as though you are being blindly pulled along--searching for answers, trying to make sense of why things happen the way they do? Is it possible the answer is right in front of you? Discover via twelve lessons why you are here and why your gift of empathy is so valuable to your search for your destiny. Delve into your own timeline and learn the ways it can help you comprehend your life and determine why your existence is the way it is. Explore how your life is designed to teach you to make energetic choices and...
Empathy can help you on your quest to understand life and destiny. Do you often feel as though you are being blindly pulled along--searching for answe...