-This book focuses on how to write a psychological report that is first and foremost helpful to consumers, while also being technically and legally defensible. Like the reports the authors describe, the book is carefully organized, beautifully written, and accessible to practitioners as well as graduate students. It is a brilliant accomplishment that should be required reading for every school psychologist.-
--Brent Duncan, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Humboldt State University, Arcata CA
-This book focuses on how to write a psychological report that is first and foremost helpful to consumers, while also being technically and legally...
So you know about engines. And you may have read some of the Haynes manuals, the "Holley Carburetors" and the "How-to..." books. Maybe you know how to repair and put together an engine. The next step is to tune your engine, so it runs perfectly and produces the most power. If that engine has non-stock components, the books mentioned above can't help you. When it comes to tuning the ignition and the carburetor on a performance engine, including how the different adjustments affect each other, there has never been a single source of reliable, easy-to-understand information. Now there is. This...
So you know about engines. And you may have read some of the Haynes manuals, the "Holley Carburetors" and the "How-to..." books. Maybe you know how to...