The summer of 2024, when Solar Cycle 25 reaches its zenith is a time of auroras and adventure for Marty Clark, high school graduate, and her former tutor, Cy Riverton, age 18, a physics and math prodigy entering the master's program at the university. For Cy, the hike to Dead Man's Drop Cliff means gathering information to solve the toughest physics problem he has ever faced: How did his friend, Eddie Burrows, disappear from there during 2024 Spring Break and end up in Pennsylvania in the year 1857? Marty joins the hike to spend time with Cy, someone she hopes will someday be more than a...
The summer of 2024, when Solar Cycle 25 reaches its zenith is a time of auroras and adventure for Marty Clark, high school graduate, and her former tu...
Annie, Celia and Lynn are all that are left of the Ward's Relief Society quilting class, but they are still determined to make baby quilts for the new mothers at church. Annie, who is just south of eighty years old, calls the quiltsters (short for quilting sisters) together to ask for more. She wants to make lap quilts to give to some of the "forgotten" oldsters she sings to each week at the nursing home-something to wrap them in love at Christmastime. It's a good idea, but the trio discovers that life and making quilts don't always go as planned. The quiltsters discuss recipes and quilting...
Annie, Celia and Lynn are all that are left of the Ward's Relief Society quilting class, but they are still determined to make baby quilts for the new...