Faced with changing economic circumstances and a reorientation of trade toward Europe and Asia, will Eurasia's cities be able to adjust? Will some cities be granted the flexible regulations and supportive policies necessary for growth? And will some others be allowed to dwindle with policies put in place to assist their people in finding prosperity elsewhere in the region? Eurasian Cities: New Realities along the Silk Road responds to pressing questions for policy makers in Eurasian cities and national governments in the region. Building on the insights of the World Development Report 2009:...
Faced with changing economic circumstances and a reorientation of trade toward Europe and Asia, will Eurasia's cities be able to adjust? Will some cit...
La Cote d'Ivoire est en quete d'une strategie de developpement qui lui permettra d'atteindre le statut de pays a revenu intermediaire, ce qui represente un defi qui necessiterait un taux de croissance annuel de 10 % pendant plus de 13 ans. L'experience des economies developpees et emergentes demontre que le produit interieur brut (PIB) par habitant augmente avec la progression de l'urbanisation. Neanmoins, l'economie de la Cote d'Ivoire affiche des performances insuffisantes sur le plan de l'urbanisation. L'urbanisation et le revenu par habitant ont une correlation negative depuis la fin des...
La Cote d'Ivoire est en quete d'une strategie de developpement qui lui permettra d'atteindre le statut de pays a revenu intermediaire, ce qui represen...
Cote d'Ivoire seeks a development strategy to reach middle-income status--a challenge that would require annual growth rates averaging 10 percent over the next 13 years. Global experience of both developed and emerging economies shows that GDP per capita rises with increased urbanization. However, Cote d'Ivoire's economy is underperforming relative to its level of urbanization. The country's urbanization has been negatively correlated with income per capita since the late 1970s, and poverty has been increasing. Rather than consider development of cities individually, successful urbanization...
Cote d'Ivoire seeks a development strategy to reach middle-income status--a challenge that would require annual growth rates averaging 10 percent over...