Although histopathology remains the gold standard for most immunobullous muco-cutaneous diseases, it must be recognized that not all skin lesions are amenable to definitive specific histologic diagnosis.The histologic diagnosis in turn is used by clinicians to aid in the management of patients. The most accurate diagnosis is the one that most closely correlates with clinical out come & helps to direct the most appropriate clinical intervention. This book aids observers to make appropriate histologic diagnostic findings using immunofluorescence techniques. This book is organized into 4...
Although histopathology remains the gold standard for most immunobullous muco-cutaneous diseases, it must be recognized that not all skin lesions are ...
Cancer is a worldwide public health problem. Each year, 6 million people die from cancer and 8.1million new cases are diagnosed.Cancers, however, arise from the hosts own tissues, and thus almost all the genes expressed by tumors are also expressed by normal tissues. Can the immune system attack "altered self" while sparing "self"? Another question is why the immune system would evolve to fight tumors? Nevertheless, immune recognition of cancers has now been well documented in humans. The main indicator of cancer is the uncontrolled growth and dispersion of cells as a result of abnormal...
Cancer is a worldwide public health problem. Each year, 6 million people die from cancer and 8.1million new cases are diagnosed.Cancers, however, aris...