In the wild, unexplored coastal jungles of West Africa lives a wild human boy named Tarzan, the adopted son of a tribe of fierce almost-human anthropoid apes - but in reality the unknown heir of a wealthy and titled English noble family. Then one day, a small party of American treasure-seekers is marooned on Tarzan's beach, including a lovely Baltimore belle named Jane Porter. When she leaves, Tarzan quits his jungle life and learns the ways of civilized man, so that he can follow her. But after he arrives, he finds he must choose between his noble birthright and her future happiness ... The...
In the wild, unexplored coastal jungles of West Africa lives a wild human boy named Tarzan, the adopted son of a tribe of fierce almost-human anthropo...
What started as a lighthearted flirtation with a beautiful, strangely dressed maiden under the New Orleans moonlight ended with young Ned Minton pledged to eternal love with a girl who had died a century before -- a promise enforced by the all-too-real fangs of the demon-serpent who guarded her. Ned's only hope is that French physician and occult investigator Jules de Grandin can get to the bottom of it and end the curse that keeps the lovely Julie d'Ayen shackled to the material world -- before the eldritch serpent's fangs end Ned.
What started as a lighthearted flirtation with a beautiful, strangely dressed maiden under the New Orleans moonlight ended with young Ned Minton pl...