"This powerful first in a new thriller series from Swedish sisters Grebe and Traff introduces a delightfully flawed heroine...The action moves swiftly to a surprising climax" (Publishers Weekly, starred review, Pick of the Week).SOMEONE IS WATCHING SIRI BERGMAN. A thirty-four-year-old psychologist with a troubled past, Siri Bergman works in central Stockholm and lives alone in an isolated cottage outside the city. Terrified of the dark, she leaves all the lights on when she goes to bed--after having a few glasses of wine to calm her nerves--but she can't shake...
"This powerful first in a new thriller series from Swedish sisters Grebe and Traff introduces a delightfully flawed heroine...The action moves swif...
In the chilling follow-up to Some Kind of Peace, Siri Bergman returns to investigate a brutal murder case centered in the dark world of domestic abuse. It's a rainy evening in a Stockholm suburb and five-year-old Tilda is hiding under the kitchen table playing with her crayons when a man enters and beats her mother to death in cold blood. The only witness, Tilda can't quite see the murderer or figure out who he is. But she's still a witness. Across town, Siri Bergman and her best friend, Aina, are assisting their old friend Vijay with a research project on domestic...
In the chilling follow-up to Some Kind of Peace, Siri Bergman returns to investigate a brutal murder case centered in the dark world of dome...