A raw tale of memoirs from time served in the British Army during 1970s 1980s England. Engaging tales of mishaps and mischief enmeshed with details of life as a soldier amigdst the times of the IRA, the Cypriot conflicts and Army bases in divided Germany.
A raw tale of memoirs from time served in the British Army during 1970s 1980s England. Engaging tales of mishaps and mischief enmeshed with details of...
In Critical Readings on Contemporary Japanese Politics, Jeff Kingston presents an array of excellent, recent articles that explore and explain democracy in Japan, how it has been evolving and to what extent it is coping with the various challenges that have emerged over the past few decades. The four volumes include nearly 80 articles delving into various aspects of politics ranging from elections, policymaking and foreign policy to history, nationalism, identity, civil society and the March 11, 2011 disasters. While many of the authors are political scientists, this is an...
In Critical Readings on Contemporary Japanese Politics, Jeff Kingston presents an array of excellent, recent articles that explore and explain ...