A Prophetic Neighbor chronicles the life of Jason Claymore, a psychologically unstable, retired journalism professor, as he struggles to deal with a series of unfortunate events during one month of his life. The story begins when his neighbor, a mysterious and beautiful woman, angrily confronts him about a blog post she claims ridicules her. This confrontation sets in motion a series of events that male Claymore mad with anxiety. As the pages turn, you'll meet his strange and sometimes mystical neighbors and friends. This book will take you into the world of a normal man who is forced to deal...
A Prophetic Neighbor chronicles the life of Jason Claymore, a psychologically unstable, retired journalism professor, as he struggles to deal with a s...
Leading lady-Carly Jean (CJ) Simms thinks she'd like to live in the era of her school play, Buttermilk Hill. It takes place during the War Between the States and she thinks being a lady of the manor would be very cool. She hopes to pull off the performance of a lifetime and win the drama award. The only thing keeping her from it is her mother who needs her at home to take care of her baby brother and aging grandfather. Leading man-Josh Jamison has problems of his own. He wants to join the army but has found no support from his father. Josh doesn't understand what the big deal is. When his...
Leading lady-Carly Jean (CJ) Simms thinks she'd like to live in the era of her school play, Buttermilk Hill. It takes place during the War Between the...
Sofia helps her abuela make arroz con leche for the church dinner, but things don't go as planned. Find out if Sofia is able to fix the recipe so her grandma isn't embarrassed in this early chapter book.
Sofia helps her abuela make arroz con leche for the church dinner, but things don't go as planned. Find out if Sofia is able to fix the recipe so her ...
Sofia FINALLY gets her beloved singing machine, and she can't wait to sing her heart out. However, nobody in her family wants to listen to her sing. Sofia is determined to find a place to perform, even if she has to leave her house to do it
Sofia FINALLY gets her beloved singing machine, and she can't wait to sing her heart out. However, nobody in her family wants to listen to her sing. S...
Sofia and her family are headed to the beach for the weekend, and Sofia is packed and ready to go. But once they get to the beach house, it's obvious that Sofia did not pack basic beach gear. Will her beach trip be ruined? Spanish words are used throughout this early chapter book.
Sofia and her family are headed to the beach for the weekend, and Sofia is packed and ready to go. But once they get to the beach house, it's obvious ...