Billy Chen and Amber Harris are two 10-year olds who, along with their parents, steal a ride on the space shuttle to avoid the impending destruction of Earth. Billy's father, a particle physicist, believes he has accidentally created a black hole. To save humanity, a team of six adults and two children are rushed off to Mars to start a new colony. This story is exciting and fun -- and entirely safe for kids
Billy Chen and Amber Harris are two 10-year olds who, along with their parents, steal a ride on the space shuttle to avoid the impending destruction o...
The Intruder is a sci-fi/suspense novel set in the year 2065 in and around Washington, D.C. Jeremy Mitchell is a refugee from a separatist, anti-technology community who is a fish out of water in the high-tech society of the 21st century. He recklessly plunges into his new environment and find himself caught in a confusing web of technology and intrigue. After receiving his implant -- the late 21st century equivalent to a smart phone -- Jeremy begins to see, through his implant, images of people who are invisible to everyone else. Jeremy's doctor believes that these images are a psychosis...
The Intruder is a sci-fi/suspense novel set in the year 2065 in and around Washington, D.C. Jeremy Mitchell is a refugee from a separatist, anti-techn...
This beginner's introduction to home brewing is not for the beer geeks, the brewing technicians, the persnickety, or the obsessive compulsive worrier. This book is for the person who wants a relaxing, easy introduction to one of the better hobbies on the planet. This revised 2nd edition includes an expanded overview of the basics of homebrewing and material on all-grain brewing. It also includes several beginner and advanced recipes to get you started. There are a lot of details in brewing and sometimes it can get overwhelming. Beginning brewers often say they worry they're not worrying about...
This beginner's introduction to home brewing is not for the beer geeks, the brewing technicians, the persnickety, or the obsessive compulsive worrier....
The current cultural assumptions about love, sex, dating and marriage are not only absurd, but a danger to society and to individuals. We're taken the most successful institution known to man, tinkered with it, played with it, and toyed with it until it's barely functional any more. Marriage simply isn't such a great deal any more, which is why many people are turning away from it. Especially young men. And if you look at the stats on divorce and the way men are treated in the family courts, you can hardly blame them. This little book says that the problem lies with all the modern assumptions...
The current cultural assumptions about love, sex, dating and marriage are not only absurd, but a danger to society and to individuals. We're taken the...