Sometimes daily struggles, unforeseen circumstances, terminal illness can be challenging unfortunately it's inevitable. It can also make life miserable and not worth living sadly some chose to give up easily without fighting while some never give up. Ignorance can be deadly more than deadly disease. Is your life not precious to you that you dare not to fight and strive to live and enjoy it to the fullness no matter the circumstances? As if the diagnosis is not enough, unstable job and arrogant business acquaintance." Shawn made matter worst to David and his family but he proved to be...
Sometimes daily struggles, unforeseen circumstances, terminal illness can be challenging unfortunately it's inevitable. It can also make life miserabl...
Belle celibacy supermodel, beautiful and intelligent down to earth tried to console her sis, She's determine, with the support of her fiance Evans belle can conquer the world. She's ready to do anything to save her sis from heart-break, betrayal from her boyfriend Max, Belle was willing and ready to do all it takes to save her sis who is her best friend. By the looks of things she might have slim chance. Mercy lively young adult very clever ambitious fun and cheerful.
Belle celibacy supermodel, beautiful and intelligent down to earth tried to console her sis, She's determine, with the support of her fiance Evans bel...